St. Mark’s Anglican Church

1761 Jamestown Road Williamsburg VA 23185

St. Mark’s Anglican Church

St. Mark’s is an Anglican parish which uses the Anglican Missal and the 1928 Book of Common Prayer in our liturgy.

 registered yet for the annual APC mGrand Rapids, Michigan August 2023. Hotel and registration information can be found on theAmerian Philatelc Socsty web site (www.stamps.irg), The schedule of events isn=t yet available, but will be posted to the APS web site as soon as it is available.

Our project of digitizing the Congres Books is proceeding, and we should have a status report at our meeing in Grand Rapids.  As many of you may know, our Eitor, Ken Trettin and Eileen, were injured in an automobile accident, but are now recovering albeit slowly. Kermit, their lime green Mustang is, alas, no more.

Please do  the following two things: vote in the 2015 election for Directors, and tell your philatelic friends about the American Philatelic Congress. Since 1935 it ahs been a primary journal of record for major philatelic studies, and under Ken=s skilled editiorial hand   continues in that role. You will find information in the Congress Books that is avaialble nowhere else. Their value ot the philatelic student should be even greater aswe make past Congress Books more accessible via the digital world,  

Schedule of Services for July 2024                               

July 7                Trinity VI                             Holy  Communion 10 AM                            Children’s Sunday School  9:45


July 14                Trinity VII                           Holy Communion 10 AM                             Children’s Sunday School  9:45

July 21             Trinity VIII                          Holy  Communion 10 AM                            Children’s Sunday School  9:45

July 28              Trinity IX                          Holy  Communion 10 AM                             Children’s Sunday School  9:45

                                VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME



                       VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!

       Mass of the Resurrection   10 AM       

March 24  :   Easter I:  Holy Communion 10 AM

                       No Children’s Sunday School 9:45 AM